Today's Fishing Report


Posted by & filed under Fishing Report.

I actually fished yesterday.  What a treat.  Now I know what I've been missing. 

Water clarity is improving, after the rains this week.  Look for the big boys along the  soft edges.

March Browns are definitely no more, at least on the lower river.  But, Baetis are still hatching strong and Caddis are on the verge of exploding.  I would guess today, at 85 degrees, will turn the corner.  Same flies for Baetis as last week.  Try Quigley's Split Flag, unweighted PT's, and LIttle Green Machines. 

 Caddis?   I would say use whatever your favorite pattern might be;  Double Duck, anything Harrop.  Don't forget a soft hackle or bubble back.  You know they eat 'em under the surface!  Get it while the gettin' is good. 

Flows are fairly consistent.  4200 cfs from the dam, 5270 at Cascade Bridge.  Temps are coming up. 

Finally, believe it or not, but folks we can trust, tell us they have seen PMDs.  No real numbers of them, but it won't be long . . .  Kirk.

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